Welcome to the MoustacheLeaks.com community! To ensure a respectful, secure, and productive space, we’ve established the following guidelines. By participating in this forum, you agree to abide by these rules. Violations may result in warnings, suspension, or permanent bans.
By contributing to the MoustacheLeaks.com forum, you help create a space that values transparency, integrity, and mutual respect. Thank you for being part of this community!
For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team.
General Guidelines
- Respect Others: Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Personal attacks, harassment, hate speech, and discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
- Stay On Topic: Ensure your posts contribute to the discussion and are relevant to the forum’s theme. Off-topic posts may be removed.
- No Spamming or Advertising: Avoid posting unsolicited advertisements, promotions, or irrelevant links.
- Language Policy: Use clear, respectful, and appropriate language. Offensive or inflammatory language is prohibited.
- Privacy Matters: Do not share personal information (yours or others’) without explicit consent.
- NO IP Logging: We have disabled public IP Logging to better protect the integrity and identity of our members.
Content Rules
- Accuracy and Integrity: Share truthful, verifiable information. Misinformation or deliberate false claims will be removed.
- Copyright Compliance: Only post content you own or have the rights to share. Avoid infringing on intellectual property laws.
- Prohibited Content: Do not post any material that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, or incites violence.
- Sensitive Information: While MoustacheLeaks.com values transparency, refrain from sharing sensitive or classified information that may jeopardize safety or violate laws.
- Removal of content(s): If you have any concerns regarding the content on the Forum, please feel free to contact us at: [email protected]
Engagement and Posting
- Constructive Criticism: Offer feedback respectfully and constructively. Engage in healthy discussions, even when disagreeing.
- Report Issues: If you notice a post or comment violating these guidelines, report it to the moderators.
- Moderation Decisions: Respect the decisions of moderators. Appeals can be made through proper channels.
User Responsibilities
- Account Security: Keep your account information secure. You are responsible for all activity on your account.
- Multiple Accounts: Using multiple accounts to evade bans or manipulate discussions is prohibited.
- Legal Compliance: Abide by all applicable laws and regulations while using this forum.
Moderator Rights
- Moderators reserve the right to edit, remove, or move posts that violate the rules.
- Moderators may issue warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans based on the severity of rule violations.
- MoustacheLeaks.com is a platform for discussion and does not endorse opinions shared by users.
- Users are solely responsible for the content they post and any consequences arising from it.
By contributing to the MoustacheLeaks.com forum, you help create a space that values transparency, integrity, and mutual respect. Thank you for being part of this community!
For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team.
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